Past and Present (book)

Past and Present is a book by Thomas Carlyle published in April 1843 in England and in May in the United States. It combines medieval history with criticism of 19th century British society. It was written in seven weeks, as a respite from the harassing labor of writing Cromwell. In 1842, the Camden Society had published the Chronicles of the Abbey of Saint Edmund's Bury, written by Jocelin of Brakelond, at the close of the 12th century. This account of a medieval monastery had taken Carlyle's fancy, and he draws upon the chronicle in order to contrast the monks' reverence for work and heroism with the sham leadership of his own day.


Book 1: Proem - Carlyle expresses his ideas about the Condition of England question in an elevated style of rhetoric invoking Classical allusions (such as Midas and the Sphinx) and fictional caricatures (such as Bobus and Sir Jabesh Windbag). Carlyle complains that despite England's abundant resources, the poor are starving and unable to find meaningful work, as evinced by the Manchester Insurrection. Carlyle argues that the ruling class needs to guide the nation, and supports an "Aristocracy of Talent." However, in line with his concept of "Hero-Worship" Carlyle argues that first the English people must themselves become heroic, in order to esteem true heroes rather than quacks.

Book 2: The Ancient Monk - Carlyle presents the history of Samson of Tottington, a 12th century monk who become Abbot of Bury St. Edmunds, as chronicled by Jocelin of Brakelond. Carlyle describes Samson as a lowly monk with no formal training or prior leadership experience who, on his election to the position of abbot, worked earnestly and diligently to overcome the economic and spiritual maladies that had befallen the abbey under the rule of the prior abbot, Hugo. Carlyle concludes from this history that despite the primitive knowledge and superstitions of these monks (he refers to them repeatedly as "blockheads") they were able to recognize and promote genuine leadership, in contrast to contemporary Englishmen:

Here he is discovered with a maximum of two shillings in his pocket, and a leather scrip round his neck; trudging along the highway, his frock- skirts looped over his arm. They think this is he nevertheless, the true Governor; and he proves to be so. Brethren, have we no need of discovering true Governors, but will sham ones forever do for us? (II.xi)

Carlyle presents his history as the narrative of the lives of men and their deeds, rather than as a dry chronicle of external details. To this end, he repeatedly contrasts his history with the style of the fictional historian Dryasdust.

Book 3: The Modern Worker

Book 4: Horoscope

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